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Painted Spirits: A Chocolate Magic Cozy Mystery - Book 7 Page 12

  “For heaven’s sake,” Magda said. “Take today off and go and watch them.”

  Rula kissed her friend on the cheek, grabbed a jacket, and ran to her car.

  In a quiet moment or two after the midday rush was over, Katie looked through her photos from the day before. She passed them to Magda.

  “Those shots of Gladdie on the horse are wonderful. I’m not good at catching the action like Shelby but I can catch something else.”

  “What do you mean?” Magda asked.

  “Look carefully. I just noticed it myself.”

  Magda gazed at the photo that Katie was pointing out. She shook her head and then looked again. She looked at Katie who nodded and smiled.

  “Has Declan seen this?” Katie shook her head.

  “Wow,” Magda said and gazed at the picture of Gladdie Ryder-James on his stallion. If you stopped looking at the picture of him and looked beyond it into the air, the faintest shape of Goodie Ryder on a similar stallion was riding beside him. At a normal glance it merged into the cloud background.

  “That’s pure magic,” Magda said. “Send it to the others.” Katie agreed and sent it off with a note of where to look. It was only minutes before the phones started to ring.

  The first was Gladdie himself and he was beside himself with excitement. Katie laughed and said that she would work on trying to paint it before the weekend. Shelby was a bit later but had already done a few strokes of a sketch to pick up the outline. Declan was in the stable working with Sam and Rula and called to say that Cody was on the stairs as usual and smiling like the cat that had gotten the cream.

  “This weekend is going to be fabulous,” Magda said. “Must get some work done so that we can enjoy it.” She swung into activity and then decided at the end of the day to drive to Rula’s. Katie said the same and the two girls followed Mikey home in their own cars.

  Sam and Declan were collecting their tools and Rula was sweeping the floor. The stable now looked like a stable. The stalls were complete with hay holders and water bowls. The taps were working in the sink. A hose was attached to another tap on the wall and two bags of hay were hanging on the pegs. The saddle holders were ready for the saddles. The electricity was working, and the place was bright and well lit. Rula was delighted.

  “This is wonderful,” Magda said. She nudged Sam and told him that he could reproduce the same thing for her.” Rula looked at her friend.

  “You two are plotting.”

  Magda grinned.

  “For once, Sam completely fooled me.”

  “And that’s not easy,” Sam said as he held his daughter. “Say dada,” he added, and Samantha obligingly said Dadadada.”

  “I can forgive the big head about dada because he rented our next-door neighbor’s field for me and ordered a prefab stable.”

  Sam gave himself a pat on the back.

  “Oh wow. What a week we’re having.”

  “Cody is pleased,” Declan observed, and they all looked at the staircase where the rest of them could see nothing.

  “Do you like this place now, Cody?” Rula asked and a loud and decisive bang sounded from the stairs. “We left the stairs untouched to remind us of you.”

  “I have to practice a lot,” Mikey added.

  “Will you help him?” Magda asked and another thud came from the stairs.

  “I’m starting the painting tonight of you and Gladdie,” Katie said and felt a warm wind on her cheek. She smiled.

  “Well, we’ll leave you to admire your new stable,” Sam said. They went back to their vehicles. Rula was doing a happy dance in the stable as they drove away.

  The rest of the week passed in a flurry of normal activity. Sunday finally arrived. Merle had invited everyone for lunch. There were sixteen people . . . but for Merle, that was just a normal group to cater for. The restaurant at the ranch could cope easily and she used the private room there for the meal.

  Everyone was excited and arrived early. Chloe was jumping up and down when the big horse transporter and motorhome drew up. Branston waved them to the stables. Everyone followed them and Gladdie jumped out to open the rear doors.

  Branston had left a corral ready for the newcomers. Gladman went to help his son and they brought out the mare with the wonderful coat and flying mane. She stepped daintily down the ramp and stopped in front of Chloe. Chloe whispered in her ear and helped Gladdie put her in the corral. Gladman brought out the stallion and Branston took the head halter and walked the stallion to the same corral. The two newcomers stood together and quietly looked at their new surroundings.

  Lots of cell phone cameras clicked.

  “Let them settle and come have some lunch,” Merle invited. Everyone followed her to the restaurant. The visitors were taking in the ranch as they went and as always, the place was impressive. The restaurant was smart with lots of glass and mirrors. The potted plants brought the outdoors inside and the levels of the floor gave sunken areas of privacy and stepped-up tables where you could enjoy the view. Merle opened a door off to one side where there was an enormous table.

  “Drinks,” Branston said and whipped out a notepad the waiters used. He flicked a towel over his arm to play the part. Magda shook her head. Her cousin had always been a showman. Merle gave them menus and two waitresses came in to take the orders.

  “We’re really being treated,” Clara said. “This is wonderful.”

  The food was excellent as always and talk swept around the table about the horses, the history of the families, and of course, Katie’s photo. They opened it up on more than one cell phone and passed it around again.

  Merle suggested they have coffee in their own lounge and the visitors saw that the restaurant had access to the house where Merle and Branston lived. This again, went through to the main office, reception, and gift shop. When they were settled with drinks, Katie slipped outside to the car and carried in a large framed picture.

  “Handy being married to a man who makes wonderful picture frames,” she said and lifted the cover off the painting. She propped it against the back of a chair and bit her lip as she waited for a reaction.

  There was a pause as everyone looked. Magda had already seen it and knew how beautiful it was.

  Gladdie dropped to his knees in front of the painting and gently touched the image of Goodie Ryder with his finger.

  “Katie, you’re a genius,” he said.

  “I’ll keep this one for myself, but I’ll run off a print for you,” she said.

  Branston asked if they would like a tour plus a look at the horses. He had asked Diana to bring Merlin over when she came for lunch and the small stallion was in the far corral. They walked over and split into groups to look at the horses in different places. Merle pointed out the luxury cabin that was vacant if they wanted to have a look inside.

  Clara and Gladman along with Diana and Katie went to look inside the cabin. Magda knew the luxury would impress the visitors. The huge deck had a hot tub, a fire pit, and an outdoor barbecue as well as loungers. The interior was like a chic hotel.

  Magda followed Branston to the horses and allowed herself a few minutes to dream about a painted pony as she petted the mare.

  “We should change her name to Zoe,” Branston said and everyone agreed.

  “Thank goodness,” Chloe laughed.

  “Chloe has Merlin and I wondered if you would like to see what we’re doing next week.” There was a chorus of agreement and they headed toward the stables. Besides his own stallion, he had another saddled and offered it to Gladdie who grinned and jumped on board. Merlin was waiting outside with Chloe and they trotted into an empty paddock.

  Branston went first and did a few tricks and turns followed by Chloe who did the same.

  “Want to go?” Branston asked the teenager who did some quite spectacular riding without hands. The gelding he was riding was comfortable with Branston and responded well. Then Gladdie took a chance and did a handstand on the saddle as the horse kept going in a steady circle.
/>   He came back to the fence to much applause. Branston said that he and Chloe would now practice their show piece. He went first and she followed behind him. They did several turns and stops and starts in unison and then picked up a little bit of speed. Branston hung under the horse’s neck as Chloe moved from her saddle to his and then Branston came back upright and finished behind her with Merlin alongside. Branston lifted her off the seat and she landed back on Merlin. They did a victory round to much clapping.

  “That looks really dangerous,” Magda said.

  “If we fall off, the horses will stop immediately,” Chloe said.

  Branston suggested that Gladdie could add a section of his own.

  “The rodeo people are giving me a free hand with what we do. If Chloe goes first and then you and then me, we can do that before we do the double routine you just saw.”

  “Love to,” Gladdie said. “I’ll work out a routine.”

  “Are we going to see you on the new stallion?” Magda asked her cousin. He handed her the reins to the one he had been riding and went for another saddle. They watched him adjust it, talk to the new horse and then gently slide into the saddle. His attitude to a new horse was completely different. He rode around the paddock by himself and then waved a hand. Chloe and Gladdie rode in to join him as Sam held the gate.

  “Open it for me,” Magda said and climbed on board from the fence. The horse was big, but she knew it was gentle and Magda was an accomplished rider herself. She joined the other three.

  “Follow round a couple of times and then all in a line,” Branston called and set the new stallion to a smart trot. Chloe, Gladdie, and then Magda all followed. Sam had the cell phone out and took a video. Merle came over pushing the stroller with Samantha and the others arrived back from their tour.

  Branston waved a hand and they moved up beside him one by one. The four riders trotted together in a line around the corral twice and then he called a halt and they all stopped together. The audience had grown to include some of the dude ranch visitors. There was a good round of applause as the riders dismounted.

  “Thanks, Bran,” Magda said.

  “You’re welcome, Mags.”

  She forgave him for the nickname and walked the stallion to the stable to take off the saddle and then she opened the gate and he went back in his normal corral. Sam gave her shoulders a squeeze.

  “Got it on video.”

  “When would everyone like to see Cody’s actual stable?” Rula asked and everyone called out that now would be good.

  They loaded Merlin into his traveling quarters and left in a cavalcade to Rula’s. The street filled up with parked vehicles and it looked like they were having a party.

  “Come to the stable first,” Mikey said and led the way. The stable was still on the edge of the group of trees and the land they had stretched out behind. Two noses heard them coming and looked over the fence. Rula ran over and patted Beryl. The big gelding immediately recognized Branston and nickered loudly. The man stroked his nose and then Mikey led the way inside. The lights were switched on to show the new stalls and floor in all of their glory.

  “The staircase,” Rula said. “We left it untouched. It’s the history of the place.”

  “It does have a mystery about it,” Clara said. “What would you find at the top, it seems to say.”

  “Just a loft at the moment,” Mikey said.

  “Hello Uncle Cody,” Chloe said, and the sound of a horse nickering was so loud that they thought one of the horses had followed them inside.

  “It’s the painted pony,” Declan said, “and it’s right behind Gladdie.”

  “Is it crazy that I can feel the breath of a horse on my neck?” the young man asked.

  “Not crazy at all,” Merle said. “We all have different senses. Declan and Chloe can both see who is there. Bart sees a ball of light and I feel things and sometimes hear voices.”

  “We all saw the glow around you, and we all feel a slight warm breeze or maybe a touch that feels like a cobweb.”

  “You just learn to accept it,” Declan added. “If you fight it, it can make you really unhappy.”

  Chloe turned to the stairway.

  “You did it, Uncle Cody. You put us together as a team again. Thank you.”

  “We have the painted pony and a wonderful stallion,” Branston said.

  “He’s telling you to take care,” Merle said. “He’s fading. For a second there, Maiya was with him as well.”

  “Do you think we’ll ever see them again?” Chloe asked. “I felt so close to them.”

  “I think,” Merle said, “that as long as that staircase is a link to their time, he’ll not be far away.” She brought them all back to reality with a few words of visualization and Rula invited everyone inside for a drink.

  Gladdie was very keen on the gym equipment and Mikey said that he could feel free to use it. He went straight to a rowing machine and put himself in position.

  “You’ve done this before,” Mikey said.

  “Trying to build muscle without weight,” Gladdie answered. That made Chloe ask if it was for the riding and he told her, in between pulls, that strength was a necessity sometimes.

  “I’m slightly built but tall. Need to be stronger.”

  “I might try that,” Chloe said and left him to it.

  “It’s been a wonderful day,” Clara said. “The meal was really good, and the dude ranch lived up to its reputation.”

  “On top of which, Gladdie joins the show team next week and we have the painted pony in foal,” Chloe added.

  “I would like to visit the cafe sometime as well,” Clara said.

  “And come and meet our psychic Birman,” Magda laughed. “We can arrange that next week.”

  “I guess I have so much material for painting now that I’ll have to get some serious work done,” Shelby said.

  “We need them in the gallery,” Katie laughed.

  It was a delightful end to the afternoon and eventually everyone went away one by one. Magda, Sam, and Samantha were left with Rula and Mikey.

  “Now I can hear about this land and stable,” Rula said and opened a bottle of wine. Magda asked if she could warm the baby’s bottle in the microwave and said she would like to see the stable again.

  Sam and Mikey took a beer each and settled down to be comfortable.

  Magda carried the baby on her hip as the two girls went back to the stable and the horses.

  “Who would have thought that me seeing Cody from the corner of my eye would have led us to finding everything out?” Rula surprisingly pondered aloud.

  The girls chatted about the stable and went back to see the men.

  “Home?” Sam asked.

  “Please. A great day but tiring and Samantha is ready for a nap.”

  “Dadadada,” Samantha said.

  “Here I am sweetheart.” He picked her up and they made their way to the car.

  Crystal had a whole lot of crime novels on the floor when they arrived home. There was one baby book on the floor as well.


  “It’s slightly worrying that she keeps going back to crime,” Magda said as she picked up the books. She looked at the baby book and shrugged.

  “I’ll make us some sandwiches to eat for dinner while you bathe Sammie,” Sam offered.

  “Sammie?” she echoed.

  “Well she can’t be Sam. That would be too confusing.” Magda shook her head and took Sammie away to the bathroom. The baby splashed in the bath for a bit then Magda wrapped her in a big fluffy towel to take her to the bedroom to dress her.

  “I did her supper as well,” Sam called, and Magda smiled as she found he had done the baby’s favorite dinner and dessert. He had set the table with a quick meal of sandwiches and leftover potato salad.

  “Dadada,” Sammie chortled. Magda sat back and watched the man in her life spoon feed his daughter.

  “You don’t suppose there is any danger to Sammie, do you?” Magda worried. Sam paused in th
e feeding.

  “When Cody seemed to think there was danger, it was connected to the horses.”

  Magda nodded.

  “He never moved near Sammie or the stroller. It seemed to be Chloe or maybe Gladdie that he was concerned about. Probably Chloe because he was worried before the others came to visit. Sammie is with me most of the time. I’ll just be very careful.”

  “Everything with him seems to be horse or family connected. We’re not family. Have a look at my video. You looked fantastic up there, Mags.”

  She forgave him for calling her Mags. She opened the photos. The video made her smile.

  “Long time since I rode anything as big as Branston’s stallion. He’s a very steady horse. The four horses in a row look fantastic.” She laughed, “I bet Branston is up at the crack of dawn every day to start working with that new boy. Merle was right. He fell in love as soon as he saw him.”

  “What did you think of the stable?”

  “Great job, but personally I’d like a bit more space.”

  Sam grinned.

  “Which was why I ordered a sectional building that could be extended if we need to have ponies for the kids.”

  “Kids?” she threw back at him. “Do I get to have a say in that?”

  “Go on. Admit you would love a boy that’s just like me.”

  She smiled at him. “Had crossed my mind.” She looked at the baby and went on. “You know I always have this plum-colored hair and I love it?” He waited for what was coming. “I think I might go blonde to match my daughter.”

  “Wow. That would look wonderful,” he told her.

  “Be a different me though.”

  “You were not plum-colored when you turned me down at fifteen and you looked great then.”

  “And in the end, you won me over and I produced a daughter that says Dadadada.” She laughed as she took her daughter to put her to bed.

  He followed them in.

  “Love you both and we’ve managed to deal with spirit things today.” She glanced across to see what he was thinking.